Then God did something amazing. He placed His trust in Adam. God told Adam to take dominion over the earth, to care for the earth and it's creatures. God created this entire world and handed it over to this brand new creation to take it and be responsible for it.
Adam was even in charge of giving them their names. As he wondered at their beauty, he began to notice a pattern. There they were, male and female of every creature. He watched them and cared for them, seeing how each animal had another that complemented it. Every living, moving creation had a mate, he saw, every single one, except him.
See, God did not forget about Adam. God had a special purpose, for He always does things in a perfect orderly fashion. Everything else to this point had been to meet Adam's needs, those needs he had no idea were there and would not have known how to recognize them. Yet here, God once again chose His timing for the next creation.
As The Almighty Creator parades Adam's charges in front of him, male and female and has Adam name them, it is here that all of a sudden Adam realizes something might be missing from his life. He is perhaps able to get a glimpse of an understanding of why God created him to begin with, for he feels lonely. His heart begins to understand the desire for fellowship.
Why do I say that? God states clearly that, "it is not good for man to be alone." But why is that? It is the first time that He says something is not good. A piece of the puzzle is still missing. Does not God always give us what we need? Yes. Does He always give it before we need it? No, He does not.
Sometimes, as in the atmosphere and the sun, God grants what we need beforehand because we are not aware of any need and are incapable of expressing what it is that we need. Then again, there are clearly times that God waits until we begin to recognize that need as well. Perhaps it is because we will be more appreciative when He grants it to us.
Sometimes, as in the atmosphere and the sun, God grants what we need beforehand because we are not aware of any need and are incapable of expressing what it is that we need. Then again, there are clearly times that God waits until we begin to recognize that need as well. Perhaps it is because we will be more appreciative when He grants it to us.
It is in that moment that God truly does grant us our hearts' desires. He does this by allowing us to recognize our need and placing that desire inside. Then He takes that desire and fulfills it in His perfect time.
Psalm 37:3-5, my favorite verses, say, "Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou shalt dwell in the land, and verily( truly) shalt thou be fed. Delight thyself in the LORD with all thine heart and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way to the LORD; trust also in him, and He shall bring it to pass."
Adam was dwelling in a garden paradise. He was eating the savory fruit, enjoying God's creation, and walking in obedience by naming the animals. He had been commanded to care for the earth and he was doing just that when he realized that there was no companion of his kind. Walking in God's way was the catalyst for realizing a need. That, my friend, is where we begin to see that He is not only a God of perfection, but a God of relationship as well.
Psalm 37:3-5, my favorite verses, say, "Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou shalt dwell in the land, and verily( truly) shalt thou be fed. Delight thyself in the LORD with all thine heart and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way to the LORD; trust also in him, and He shall bring it to pass."
Adam was dwelling in a garden paradise. He was eating the savory fruit, enjoying God's creation, and walking in obedience by naming the animals. He had been commanded to care for the earth and he was doing just that when he realized that there was no companion of his kind. Walking in God's way was the catalyst for realizing a need. That, my friend, is where we begin to see that He is not only a God of perfection, but a God of relationship as well.