Things don't always happen in the timing we think they should. In fact, we often find ourselves just waiting for that big moment to occur, impatient for whatever will be. We realize that something is coming and we do not know why it is not yet here. Often we are just unaware of the greater picture. We only see our part in it. If we are not personally active, we may feel as if we have failed, that the pieces are not fitting together because of something we have missed. Perhaps it is not that we have failed, but that we have not yet realized that not all the preparations have been made.
God managed to do something in 6 days that the rest of the universe has
spent thousands of years trying to do: pure creation from absolutely
nothing but pure love. I am amazed that He did spend most of that time
just preparing the way so that humanity could thrive. Without any
elements previously created, man would not be able to survive. Then,
and only then, would He place man on this earth.
Tenderly, carefully, God took the dust of the earth into His hands. Carbon, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, water, and countless other minerals and substances He lovingly caressed into the mold of one who would be the father of a world for generations to come. Forming every intricate detail, God possibly pondered all that would transpire through the ages, knowing even then the joy and heartache the human race would bring. The body was created, the hair, the nails. The shell was ready. Now all that was left was the spirit of life itself.
In previous acts of creation, the Holy Trinity spoke, moved, and formed. But this time, it would be a part of Himself that would go into this being made by His love. Before He stooped over the flesh, God saw the betrayal that was to come. God the Father and God the Son knew that with the next instant's motion, the plan of the Cross would be set in motion. He knew of the sacrifice yet to be done. He knew of the millions that would reject Him and of the ones who would receive Him. He weighed the costs. Then He knelt down over the mouth of the man, opened it to breathe His own life into it, and He blew.
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