Friday, October 7, 2016

The Final Touch

The Word of life had spoken the universe into existence.  The world flourished with life because He opened His mouth and it was so.  He caused life to spring forth into being using nothing but His imagination.

The precious hand stretched forth and lovingly sculpted a man into whom God breathed His own life.  The heartbeat of Heaven started the life flow of Adam.  The Light of creation saw that all was good with one exception: man was alone on the earth, while all the other other living, moving creature came in pairs.

Once man saw that something was absent in his life, God was able to go to work.  He caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep and then reached into his side and took a rib.  For the final time in the week of beginnings, God used His hand to form a new creation.  God created woman.

isn't it interesting that God put Adam to sleep?  Not only that, but the Bible says that God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep.  This guy was out for the count.  He was not waking up until God said so.  God could have done this with Adam awake and let him see how He was taking care of Adam's dilemma.  Or could He?

God made sure Adam could not interfere with His work.  He kept Adam from giving input as to what he wanted for a companion.  God, in His vast wisdom, already knew what Adam needed, and He didn't need his input.

There was no,"God, can you make her a little rounder?  How about some curves here?   Wait a second, that is not what I had in mind.  She looks different.  How about some purple right there?"  There was simply the innocent ignorance that God was already at work in the final stages of His creation.

God could have taken any part of Adam's body to form this woman.   The DNA was inside every cell, but God chose to reach into Adam's side, take out a rib, and close that baby back up.  He knew what He was doing.

God has a reason for each thing He does.  Ecclesiastes 3 states that there is a time and a purpose for every thing under the heavens.  The rib  was no exception.  Think about the rib.

The rib is bone, filled with marrow.  It is firm, durable, strong.  Bone supports us; it carries the burden of our weight.  Bone helps keep us in line and in shape.  Bone is a line of defense.  Bone is filled with blood which contains antibodies to protect our body from harm.  It is not invulnerable or solid; there is delicacy inside.

Ribs not only keep us straight so we can walk. The main purpose of our ribs is, specifically,  to be a guardian, a fortress.  The ribs keep things in place, help hold us together, and provide defense against forces both internal and external.

Our ribs protect organs that we cannot live without.  They protect the heart which beats with the blood that supplies oxygen, minerals, nutrients, and as I stated before, tiny little soldiers that fight for our health when our bodies have been invaded.  The ribs protect the lungs, which are the only means we have to gather the oxygen we need to survive and to expel gases we do not.  The ribs surround these vital organs, wrapping around them like arms in a gentle embrace to shield them from harm.  Without them we would be much more susceptible to the dangers of our environment.

God purposed for woman to come from the side of man, from this important bone, to be at his side.  When Adam awoke, God brought her to him and said that it was "for this reason" for the woman created for him, "shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife."  That is because woman was created to take spiritual qualities like those of a rib in order to protect him, nurture him, support him, and to help carry his burden.

Adam took one look at his new wife and recognized her, somehow, some way.  He said, without preamble, "this is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh."  He called her woman or, as I like to say, "Whoa, man!"  He was reunited with a part of him that had been missing and was now complete.  And God saw that it was, get this, a first here, not just good.  "And God saw that it was very good."

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