All things must have a beginning. Children are born, eggs are hatched, flowers grow from a seed. This blog is a new beginning for me, flowing from my heart to yours. I don't know how many will read this or keep up with it, but I do know that it stems from a desire to know God more every day, to see His beauty and understand His character through His Word, the Bible, through creation, and through everyday circumstances where He reveals a little more to us.
To begin, I will let you know that I am a strong believer in, and I am convinced, that the Holy Bible is the true inspired Word of God. Throughout history, He used around 40 authors to pen this Scripture to us. Though there are several different translations, they all stem from the heart of the true understanding that God's Word is infallible, unchanging, absolute truth. There is no question in my mind that what He says in His word stands firm. When I study the Word of God, I like to take a look at the translations of the original words in Greek and Hebrew that are used in order to get a deeper understanding of what He conveys to us.
I understand that some of you may not fully believe this or understand it, but it is my desire to help us all comprehend this mysterious book and the almighty Creator who brought it to life. If you wish to continue this journey with me, then please, join in, have a seat, and by all means, examine the scriptures for yourself to see if what is said here bears witness to the truth. We'll start in the book of Genesis, where it all begins, and work our way through. It may not be a straight barrage through; we may skip around a bit and focus on different topics, but we will research the Word of God and see what He has to teach us through His Word. That is the meaning of the blog's title. Let's enter into His territory and discover Who He is so that we can serve Him, so that we can learn to love others as He loves us, so that we can discover and behold what manner of love the Father has given to us that we should be called sons (and daughters) of God.
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