God is very orderly. He times everything perfectly and does everything in His time. He understands all because He is omniscient, all-knowing.Nothing that was, is, or ever shall be surprises Him, because He already knows how it will happen. He also knows the best way to make it turn out according to His plan. Nothing reveals this as His initial creation of the world.
It took five days for God to create the universe to this point in our study of creation. Now that the heavens were filled with flying creatures and the water was just as loaded with animals, God was ready for the sixth phase in His plan. God filled the land with life, as well. Genesis 1:24 shows us where God brings forth the beasts of the earth; He creates the lions and bears, the zebras and giraffes. God crated the cattle, cows, buffalo, sheep, goats, pigs, squirrels and monkeys. Everything that moves on the earth, He created on this day. Just like all the life created before this, God told them to be fruitful and to multiply after their own kind.
I think it's interesting to point out another piece of evidence that reveals God's foresight. If He had created the animals before the plants, what would the animals have eaten? They would have gone hungry; but God's compassion extends to all His creation. He provided all they would need before they were able to ask, before they were aware of their needs, before they even existed.
At last the earth was ready for God's final creation. God's handiwork, His Masterpiece would come to life with almost everything he would need in order to exist without want. I say everything, because that is a fun discussion for another day. We come afresh to the awesome power of God. For this final creation, once again God spoke. "Let us make man in our own image." This verse points out that there is more to God than meets the eye.
Even in Creation, God wants us to understand who He is. In fact, the Bible says in Psalm 19 that, "The heavens declare the handiwork of God." Before God created man, He wanted to make sure that man would be able to recognize God's hand in everything. He provided, through His creation, yes, through the very forming of man himself, evidence of the character of God. He knew man would come to question not only His deity, but His very existence, and He prepared a way to reveal that to the fallen, sinful man, that man would one day become. His very character, the very heart of God, revealed in the creation of this world and of man, is what draws us to Him.
I think I'll save this verse for tomorrow, for I think it's a study in and of itself. How wonderful, how glorious, how wise is our God, who fashioned the universe by His hands. By Him all things were created. Nothing that was created was created but by Him. He is before all things. For Him, and by Him, and through Him all things exist. The visible world and all that surrounds it and that abides in it was created by the invisible, almighty God. That His insight is what saved us from utter self destruction is truly unmatched in power.
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